Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Would-Have-Been Due Date

This week we have surpassed Brooks and Adlyn’s would-have-been-due-date and third birthday.  It is a fun day for me to reflect on where we’ve been and how far we’ve come!  Someday, I’d still like to focus some of my time blogging on their NICU days and the first few months of life.  A few weeks ago I showed them some of their baby pictures and they loved to see themselves at that stage.  Last year, the day before their due-date birthday, we took away all of the diapers, wipes, changing table, etc.  We went cold turkey on the potty training adventure.  I wanted to start the process before they were officially two years old, but that didn’t happen.  So, I started on the day before their due-date birthday.  (close enough)  The processed worked ok, and I’m glad we did it.  I haven’t missed changing a diaper in the past 365 days.  What a nice stage to be past!  A year later, Adlyn is nearly perfect, and maybe has an accident once a month, if that.  Brooks is perfect when he cares and tries, he loses interest.  But, I can say that since preschool started, he has made even more improvement.  I’m happy to say that they have each woken up dry in the morning once this week.  Maybe this year we can focus on the night time situation.  But, both willingly wear their ‘fluffy’ at night, so I can’t complain.  Everyone is happy in the morning, they are sleeping through the night, and the situation is working out well for all of us.    

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